Friday 22 July 2022

Assam flood relief works help rebuild lives

Since the lashing of rains and overflowing of the Brahmaputra river and its tributaries, Assam suffered day after day and it seemed never-ending.

It always starts as the rivers start gushing down carrying the silt as a result of the melting glaciers. Added to the heavy monsoons and the melting glaciers, the river volumes enhance and pick up intensity downstream, resulting in floods.

This is the case every year.

However, it is said that Assam is facing the worst-flood scenario in the last decade.

With hundreds of deaths and lakhs of affected people, the situation seems grimmer by the day. Thousands of them have become homeless and are staying in relief camps battling hunger, shortage of essential supplies and recurring landslides.

Indians from all walks of life have come forward to lend their support to the flood victims.

I was devastated seeing the water levels when we were on the way to provide food as a part of the Assam flood relief works. I freaked out when I realised that almost half of the tractor wheels were submerged; it was like we were floating. We were all geared to brace for the rain and floods, but the local people were not equipped.

Men braved through the waters even though it was waist-deep.

So many questions popped into my mind.

What if they slip and fall?
How and where will they sleep?
Where will they stay?
How will they fight water-borne diseases?
How will they recover from their losses?
How will they remark their land?
If their house is submerged, what about their means of food?...

I had to stop my mind from thinking further.

As I got off the tractor, I figured that ours was not the only NGO in India who has arrived for support, there were so many others.

As one positive aspect, I was happy to see that there are so many generous people who donate to feed the needy during times of disaster. When we have each other, we can face and battle any disaster.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India that provides food assistance to flood victims. I am glad I was able to reach out to people in distress by being associated with this Foundation. With the generosity of many individuals, corporate donors and partnerships with various Governments, we were able to serve freshly cooked meals to these victims.

What we provided as meals

In these flood-affected areas of Kamrup district (Rukminigaon and Hatigaon areas), we served any one of the following options:

  • Rice, dal & subzi
  • Vegetable pulav & subzi
  •  Plain/ vegetable khichdi

Today’s scenario

As the water levels have started to recede, flood victims have started to rebuild their lives and homes. They have been trying to cope with their lives and food should be the last thing on their mind.

Along with other organisations that provide relief materials, Akshaya Patra has been distributing Flood Relief Kits to help flood victims sustain the harsh situations. Donate to feed the needy people with your contribution to provide kits that contain:

Rice, Wheat Flour, Toor Dal, Desi Chana, Peanuts, Oil, Spices, Sugar, Salt, Biscuits, Sanitary Pads, Notebooks


Assam needs us!

All our support can help each and every one of them to be a survivor.

Be a food warrior to a flood warrior!

Donate online towards the Assam flood relief works to give food assistance to all the people in need. 

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