Thursday 27 January 2022

What Republic day means to children


India celebrates its 73rd Independence Day on 26th January 2022 like every other day amid the crisis. On this day, the Indian Constitution came into existence in 1950. The Constitution of India is a huge document that lays down the powers, duties, fundamental rights, procedures and directive principles of The Government of India and its citizens.

 Celebrations of Republic Day in India

·         The Republic Day parade is the star of the show

·         The President of the country hoists the flag, presents bravery awards to citizens of India

·         The Prime Minister of India pays homage to all the soldiers who have lost their lives in the wars

·         The three divisions of the Indian Armed Forces – Air Force, Navy and Indian Army, lead the parade and is followed by a rally of marching soldiers, aircraft shows, military bands, etc. 

Communities, apartments, associations, schools, etc. hoist flags in their premises to remember and honour the day that the Constitution was adopted.

 Republic Day in schools of India

RepublicDay is a day when children of Government and Government-aided schools get something more than midday meals. It is a special day for young children which is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm. Children enact the roles of being freedom fighters, participate in debates favouring these brave souls and sing in their praise.  


Though children might be hesitant to come to schools on a national holiday, most of them come for something special. Apart from midday meals, children also wait for sweets to be distributed as sweets and snacks are a luxury for these children who hardly get to eat one square meal a day. In some places, it is the day where an NGO in India might take care of the food and snacks of one or two schools, while others make children aware of their history and freedom fighters.

Children who come to school and enjoy it everyday

For some children, coming to school is an absolute necessity. School is the only place that helps them think, learn and achieve as the situations in their house does not permit them to exceed. Coming to school guarantees that they are not becoming victims of child labour and that they become educated enough to become self-dependent. Midday meals provided at schools ensure that they come back to school every single day and Republic Day is a special occasion for these children.

           Sachin wants to be a Pilot

Growing from being a malnourished child who did not have any energy and zeal to do anything in life to becoming a sharp child who takes part in all curricular activities, 9-year-old Sachin wants to become a Pilot and make lots of money for his parents. He gives all the credit for his betterment to his teachers, friends and one specific NGO in India that served school meals every day.


Sujita wants to become a doctor

Having no parents to raise her does not make her feel vulnerable; Sujita was raised by her grandfathers. Though they can’t give everything, they enrolled her to a school that could give wings to her dreams. All her food needs are taken care of by her school in Silvassa. She loves coming to school as it keeps her focused to learn and work towards achieving her dreams of becoming a doctor.


Prajesh wants to be a Prime Minister

Prajesh is a young boy who is a huge fan of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Very focused on achieving his dreams, he wants to do a lot for the nation. He does not miss even one day of school as he does not want to be diverted in his studies. Food and education was something very important to him after moving from Bareilly to Daman and he was very happy. 

A few common things in these children – they have dreams and eat school meals provided by one NGO in India – The Akshaya Patra Foundation.

To read more such stories of children, click here.

 Akshaya Patra is an NGO that serves school meals to children coming from challenging socio-economic backgrounds. It is renowned for running the world’s largest NGO run school lunch programme, serving freshly cooked nutritious mid-day meals to over 1.8 million children in 19,039 schools of 14 states & 1 union territory of India. For the last 21 years, it has been serving nutritious and locally palatable meals to school children studying in Government and Government-aided schools.

 There are many such students who need the support of midday meals to come to schools everyday. Let’s support their food and education with this NGO in India that implements the midday meal scheme in India.

 John F Kennedy’s historic words were, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” This Republic Day, let’s support the dreams of young children who dream big in life. Donate online to Akshaya Patra to reach out to more children who need support.

Monday 24 January 2022

Deductions qualifying for tax exemption


Salaried employees are major contributors to the bucket of taxpayers in a country. Income tax is paid as a part or percentage of the annual income that an individual earns. It is every citizen’s duty to pay his income tax for all the rights he earns in the country while he earns as a salaried employee or as an entrepreneur.

According to the Government of India’s e-Filing portal of the Income Tax  Department, there were 8.83-crore taxpayers till 7th September 2021.


The money collected by the tax department is used to provide various facilities for the benefit of the citizens. How do you think the Government of India is able to provide facilities free of cost? For example, public utility services like metro construction, road construction, free health care facilities for the underprivileged, all come from the money that is paid when you pay taxes.


The Government has made various provisions to help its citizens gain tax exemption in India.


Paying tax is inevitable, however making smart investments that will help you save as well, is a smart choice people can opt for.


Tax exemption in India

Depending on the nature of the income, there are various categories for tax exemption in India. The most common of these are: House Rental Allowance (HRA), Education loan, car loan, Leave Travel Allowance (LTA), contribution towards Employee’s Provident Fund (EPF) Scheme, etc.


House Rent Allowance

If you are a salaried employee who lives in a rented house, you stand a chance to get the benefit of HRA. This amount could either be totally or partially exempted from income tax. However, if you are not living in a rented property but claim HRA, this entire amount will be taxable.


Leave Travel Allowance

If you are a salaried employee and your employer has the provision of LTA, you can claim for the exemption of your travel within India under Section 10(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. However, tax exemption does not include food expenses, shopping and stay, but, only for travel of the individual, their family including children.


Deductions under section 80C, 80CC and 80CCD (1)

This is by far, the most extensively used option to save tax. To encourage individuals to save and invest in retirements plans, the Indian Government has made provisions for individuals under these sections. These include Life Insurance premium, Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS), Employee Provident Fund (EPF), Contribution to PPF Account, National Pension Scheme, National Saving Certificate (NSC), etc.


NGO donations under section 80G

An individual can get involved in philanthropic donations for tax write off. Charitable organisations give a platform for an individual to engage in humanitarian services as well as to appreciate the noble work by making you eligible for tax exemption too. The deductions under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act of 1961 towards charitable organisations are either eligible for 50% or 100% tax exemption depending on the NGO being supported.


When you contribute by making donations for tax write off, you are not only saving on your taxable income, but you also add goodness in your life for helping people in need. Thousands of not-for-profit organisations receive donations for tax write off, but the help that they provide to the organisation to work towards its cause is often gone unnoticed.


Benefits of making NGO donations

·         Gives inner satisfaction of helping people

·         Giving back to society makes an impact

·         Connects with like-minded people

·         Saves tax on your contribution

·         Draws attention to the cause

·         Helps people in need with what they require


Every little support to people in need gives them relief from their suffering. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India that provides free and unlimited food for education of children coming from challenging socio-economic backgrounds. It has the distinction of being the world's largest NGO run school lunch programme spread across 60 locations in 14 states and 2 union territories of India.

Akshaya Patra provides nutritious and locally palatable meals to 1.8 million children coming from low-income sections of society.

AkshayaPatra is an NGO known for 21 years of relentless service, financial transparency, and credibility. All your donations above INR 500 made towards this NGO, are eligible for 50% tax exemption under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. You will also get a tax exemption certificate within seven working days with your name and contribution amount. So the next time you plan on making tax saving investment, think of the benefits of donating to NGOs.

Friday 21 January 2022

Replenishing hope with Family happiness kits


Try taking a walk outside your house; how many lost faces do you see? So many faces speak of different problems at varying levels. Their problems might be plenty and grave but there is one thing common on their faces – the hope of a better time ahead.

When you feed the hungry people, have you seen the smile on their faces?

It is very genuine.

It is almost like they thank you for giving them food when they needed it the most.

During times like the COVID pandemic, many people are struggling with saving money in case another lockdown is enforced to curb the spread of the virus. With the little money they have, they are not able to feed the hungry stomachs of their families and children.

In the 2021 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 101st out of the 116 countries.

This year, it slipped from its rank of 94 last year, in 2020. 

What does this mean?

It means that the level of hunger in India is yet termed as ‘serious.’ According to FAO, 189.2 million people of India are undernourished. This also means that an alarming 14% of the population is undernourished.

 On an everyday basis, people have faced deprivation of basic nutritional needs and the pandemic has only worsened the lives of vulnerable people’s situation further.

 To help these marginalised sections of society with essentials, groceries and hygiene items during the consecutive waves of the pandemic, the government of India has partnered with various non-profit organisations to provide essential survival kits, family happiness kits and other food and hygiene kits.

 Good nutrition is essential for health, especially during times when the body’s immune system needs to fight various diseases and viruses. Though maintaining a healthy diet could turn out expensive for most of us trying to strike a balance between needs and wants, it is not too difficult to eat a diet that supports good health. Neither is it difficult to support the health of others.

 Support families with your help

Why should you help people who suffer? The answer is pretty straightforward – because we as human beings cannot turn a blind eye towards their sufferings. And for the development of a nation, it is important that we all move towards collective empowerment without which an upward growth trajectory is difficult to achieve.

 The one reason why we should feed the hungry people is so that they can also survive along with their families and become capable enough to help others in need too. Thousands of NGOs have joined hands with the Government of India to serve these people in need; one such organisation is The Akshaya PatraFoundation.

Akshaya Patra’s primary cause is to feed school children by serving them mid-day meals. However, the Foundation also feeds people in need when the situation calls for help.

 Apart from serving locally palatable meals to 1.8 million children every day, Akshaya Patra has served meals to disaster struck victims during floods, earthquakes and the pandemic. Since the onset of the pandemic, this NGO in India has served a cumulative of 20.6-crore (206 million) meals by serving cooked and packaged meals and distributing happiness kits, family happiness kits, raksha kits and shakti kits to mid-day meal beneficiaries, their families, marginalised people and expectant mothers respectively.

 Gift people food and essentials with Akshaya Patra

Support people in need with your online donations to Akshaya Patra. You can provide food, ration, essentials, hygiene products and educational materials to people in need during this pandemic.

What is inside the Family Happiness Kit?


Your support to provide them with this kit helps them to be on a full stomach by cooking 120 meals for a family of four. So the next time you see people struggling for food, you know you can help them with Akshaya Patra. This Foundation feeds people who also live in inaccessible areas without food and shelter. Your contribution can bring hopes of better days ahead with healthy and nutritious meals.

Thursday 20 January 2022

Our Kitchens - Our Pride


Akshaya Patra feeds from two new kitchen

The Akshaya Patra Foundation runs the world’s largest NGO run school meal programme spread across 13 states and 1 union territory of India. To help more children benefit with the mid-day meal programme, the organisation has constantly been trying to spread across different locations. 2 more kitchens have been added – namely Gadarpur and Puducherry kitchens.

Friday 14 January 2022

Food pyramid for middle childhood

 A food pyramid guide helps improve the diet of children aged 2-6 years. Certain quantities of food are recommended for different types of food across age groups of children. Following a set amount of carbohydrates, dairy products, proteins, fat, etc. can help improve children’s health. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO providing midday meals to children that helps in their overall development – physical and cognitive. Since 2000, wholesome and locally palatable meals are provided to nourish children from low-income sections and it feeds 1.8 million children every day.

How can Section 80G benefit you?


section 80g can benefit you in saving tax

Charitable organisations give a platform for you to engage in humanitarian services as well as appreciates your noble work by making you eligible for tax exemption too.

Non-profit and charitable organisations work at the ground level to serve underprivileged communities in a sustainable way. This makes the service of NPOs, NGOs, and charitable organisations impactful and tangible, paving way for lasting change. The work of charitable organisations includes socio-environmental issues such as empowerment, equality, healthcare, education, poverty, hunger, climate change, water conservation, animal welfare, etc. These organisations greatly depend on the support of donors and sponsors for monetary aid to carry out their operations and expand their reach. To encourage individuals and for-profit organisations to support the efforts of NGOs, the government has made the provision of tax exemption donation.

No matter which country you are a citizen of, you have to pay tax to the government if you are salaried or self-employed individual or run a business. The tax collected by the government is utilised for healthcare, public utility services, management of defence forces, and various welfare projects for the citizens. As per the tax policies in India, you can receive exemption from paying taxes based on certain investment criterions such as housing loan, life insurance, medical insurance, etc. In addition, upon donating to charitable organisations, you can also become eligible to receive tax exemption as per the Section 80G of the Income Tax Act of India. While this provision clearly reinstates the importance of ‘giving back to the society’ and supports philanthropic contributions, it is important that as a donor you must ensure that the NGO you are donating to is a registered organisation and is eligible to provide you tax exemption. You must also note that depending on the cause and work of the charitable organisations, you may either receive 100% exemption or 50% exemption on your donated amount.

When you donate, it helps the beneficiary NGO in its operations and makes a positive impact in the lives of the beneficiaries of the NGO or on the mission of the NGO. 

But did you know that Section 80G has multiple benefits for you too!

·      First, it makes you eligible to receive tax exemption.
·      Second, it upholds the values of compassion and generosity,
·      Third, it facilitates the action of ‘giving back to the society’. 
·      Fourth, it makes you a part of the solution.
·      Fifth, as you participate in the upliftment and welfare initiatives, it makes you the ‘agent of change’.

As is said, ‘every drop makes the ocean’, similarly, every bit of your support adds to the larger good of the society along with qualifying your contribution for tax exemption donation. Among many NGOs, The Akshaya Patra Foundation is one charity that is known for its 21 years of relentless service, financial transparency, and credibility. This is one of the most reputed mid-day meal NGOs in India nourishing 18,00,907 children studying in 19,039 government and government-aided schools across 58 locations in 13 States and 1 Union Territory.

Your contribution to this non-profit organisation makes the much-needed mid-day meals available to children on each school day. This greatly contributes to their nutrition requirement, health, and education. The meals promote better concentration, improves attendance and reduces drop-out rate. Regular schooling enables children to step towards their aspirations with added enthusiasm, determination, and confidence. As Akshaya Patra is a registered charity, your contribution of ₹500 and above qualifies for tax exemption donation too.

In conclusion, when you spare a moment to donate to NGO, you make a huge difference in the society. So, nurture your philanthropic self and get rewarded for your good deed in the form of tax exemption!

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Let your benevolence reach its destination by donating a delivery van


The midday meal scheme is one of the most potential interventions of the Government of India to support education of children belonging to socio-economically challenging backgrounds. Through this scheme, children studying in government schools and government-aided schools receive nutritious lunch at school, every day. The midday meals not only satiate their hunger, but also plays a crucial role in providing required nutrition as well as increases enrolment rate, improves regularity to school, decreases drop-out rate, boosts concentration and performance of children.

Akshaya Patra’s role in midday meal programme

One of the pioneer mid-day meal NGOs, The Akshaya Patra Foundation has been serving school children with nutritious meals for 21 years. It operates in a Public Private Partnership model to maximise the impact of the school meal programme. The Foundation implements the midday meal scheme in partnership with the Central Government of India, State Governments, and Administration of Union Territories. It receives support from individual donors, corporates, and well-wishers.

Akshaya Patra understands the significant role of mid-day meals for school children. As a responsible meal provider, it leaves no stone unturned to make sure that children receive their daily share of nutritious meals at school. This mid-day meal NGO in India is known for its commitment, meticulous processes, state-of-the-art, hi-tech, mega kitchens located across India, and seamless meal delivery system. At present, Akshaya Patra nourishes 18,00,907 children studying in 19,039 government and aided schools in 58 locations of 13 States and 1 Union Territory.

How Akshaya Patra implements the meal programme?

-          To implement the midday meal scheme, Akshaya Patra adheres to industry standard operating processes, meal nutrition guidelines as recommended by Central Mid-Day Meal Scheme, and ensures complete hygiene and quality.

-          To benefit maximum children, Akshaya Patra operates centralised kitchens in urban and semi-urban areas, and decentralised kitchens in remote locations. The centralised kitchens are large mechanised facilities with 20 kitchens being ISO certified and two kitchens being OHSAS certified. The decentralised kitchens are run by women self-help groups under the supervision of Akshaya Patra’s quality manager.

-          Akshaya Patra takes utmost care in preparation of the meals - right from procurement of raw materials to delivery of the meals to schools. It ensures highest level of hygiene, quality and nutrition by following processes such as Food Safety Management System, Supplier Quality Management System, Quality Assurance Programme, standardised recipes, personal hygiene and safety gear, food safe stainless steel and sanitised kitchen equipment and vessels.

-          To make sure children relish their meals as well as receive adequate nutrition, Akshaya Patra follows a cyclic and locally palatable menu in adherence to the standard dietary norms.

-          The cooked meals are packed in insulated stainless steel vessels and are delivered to schools in customised delivery vans.

Why Akshaya Patra seeks your support?

The Foundation is cognisant of the critical need for school meals and the resources required to fulfil the objectives of the programme. This humongous programme demands involvement of all sections of the society - government, businesses, individuals, and implementing organisations.

AkshayaPatra has always been humbled at the support it has received over the years that has allowed the Foundation to benefit over 18 lakhs children as mentioned earlier. Well-aware of the impact strong partnerships can create, Akshaya Patra provides a platform and encourages individuals and businesses to step in to support the school meal programme. Some of the many ways to get involved with Akshaya Patra are:

·         Contribute online donation

·         Conduct fundraising campaigns

·         Become a CSR partner

·         Become a goodwill ambassador

·         Become a knowledge partner

·         Volunteer

Akshaya Patra strives to ensure children are served with nutritious food every day. Be a part of their endeavour. Donate a van and assure children of their much-needed daily school meals. Your donation will not only deliver midday meals, but also days full of health and joy!

Friday 7 January 2022

Fighting an emerging crisis: Elderly & Homeless

feeding the elderly homeless with Akshaya Patra

Homelessness is a serious problem across the world. It is a concern faced by both developing and developed countries. Though the definition of homelessness differs across countries, the United Nations Economic and Social Council Statement broadly defines it as, ‘When we are talking about housing, we are not just talking about four walls and a roof. The right to adequate housing is about security of tenure, affordability, access to services and cultural adequacy. It is about protection from forced eviction and displacement, fighting homelessness, poverty and exclusion.’

Homelessness in India

In India, homelessness is defined as, ‘those who do not live in Census houses, but rather stay on pavements, roadsides, railway platforms, staircases, under flyovers, streets, in hume pipes, or other open spaces like places of worship etc.’ India ranks 6th among top 10 countries with significant homeless population and has the highest number of street children in the world. The other countries being Nigeria, Egypt, Indonesia, China, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Honduras, Germany, and United States. According to Census 2011, there are 17.7 lakhs homeless people in India with urban areas having the highest concentration of more than 9 lakhs homeless people.

Homelessness is one of the worst kinds of human rights violation. It not only deprives people of shelter, but also compromises their safety. Homelessness also limits accessibility to food, healthcare, well-being, employment opportunities, and education. The homeless population consists of men, women, mothers, the elderly, and the disabled. There are many NGOs in India that address different needs of the homeless population. Some organisations feed the needy, some provide necessary items like clothes, blankets, etc. and yet others work towards making healthcare, education, and employment opportunities available for this section of people.

Homeless women, in particular, are the most vulnerable and suffer the worst kind of violence and exploitation. Homeless mothers spend sleepless nights while safeguarding their children, especially daughters. In addition, there are also 40 million widowed women in India who are abandoned by their families and children. Among the widows are single mothers, pregnant women, and aged women.

Akshaya Patra’s intervention

In an effort to ensure homeless mothers receive their daily share of healthy meals, The Akshaya Patra Foundation, an NGO in India has stepped in to provide food relief. At present, the Foundation is providing food to thousands of homeless mothers in Vrindavan. On an average, a moderately active women should consume 1800-2200 calories per day. To meet this requirement, Akshaya Patra provides freshly prepared, nutritious, and hygienic meals everyday to homeless mothers. These meals support their health and also instils a sense of ‘being cared for’.

Akshaya Patra is a reputed mid-day meal NGO in India. It has been nourishing school children with nutritious meals for the past 21 years. Akshaya Patra provides mid-day meals to 18,00,907 children on each school day across 58 locations in 13 States and 1 Union Territory. The Foundation has always contributed to food relief activities during crisis situations like natural disasters and COVID-19 pandemic.

Feed the needy homeless mothers with Akshaya Patra

In order to continue the feeding programme for homeless mothers, Akshaya Patra requires the help of donors and supporters. Every penny of NGO donations is an assurance that the beneficiary homeless mothers will receive their share of food every day. You can help Akshaya Patra in an instant by contributing an online donation at the click of a button. Your contribution will uphold dignity of the homeless mothers, support their health and give them the assurance of receiving nutritious food every day. Donate generously to feed the needy homeless mothers and spread the word about this feeding programme too.

Thursday 6 January 2022

NGO battling hunger through midday meal - 1500/- for a child


Countering hunger among children through midday meals

Hunger, in general, limits people from attaining their full potential. When hunger dwells in children, it blocks them from reaching school and keeps them entangled in the poverty-hunger-illiteracy cycle.

Lack of resources and socio-economically challenging backgrounds makes hunger a part of life for millions of people. Among them are children, who are filled with dreams and aspirations, but are held back due to hunger pangs. Many NGOs across the world and in India are addressing the hunger situation in various ways. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is one of the pioneer NGOs in India to address hunger among school-going children by implementing the Midday Meal Programme in a public private partnership model. This programme is a huge boon for children hailing from socio-economically challenging backgrounds. The meals not only satiate their hunger, but also supports education in a significant way.

It has been observed that parents send their children to school due to the assurance that the children will receive at least one full meal for the day. This opens the doorway to a whole new world for children to learn and grow. Impact studies reveal that regular intake of midday meals positively impacts health and learning abilities in school children. Hence, as a midday meal NGO in India, Akshaya Patra makes sure that they serve nutritious meals to all its beneficiaries on each school day. The Foundation has partnered with the Central Government of India and various State Governments to benefit more and more children across the country.

Akshaya Patra not only addresses hunger, but hidden hunger too!

Hidden hunger is caused due to deficiency of essential vitamins and micronutrients. It affects billions of people worldwide and is a cause of concern for national and international organisations. Unbalanced or poor diet that lacks nutrition is the main reason behind hidden hunger and can adversely affect children and adults. So, it’s not only about tackling hunger, but hidden hunger too. Often times, the diet of the marginalised sections is based on staple food such as rice, wheat, maize, potato, etc. that are easily available and affordable. Though these food items fill the stomach, they lack in vitamins and minerals. So, as an implementor of the Midday Meal Programme, Akshaya Patra takes utmost care to provide wholesome and nutrient-rich meals to school children.


To ensure every meal meets the nutritional requirement, Akshaya Patra adheres to the dietary norms of the Central Mid-Day Meal Scheme. As a midday meal NGO in India, Akshaya Patra aims to ensure that every child consumes their daily school meals readily and receives adequate nutrition. So, the Foundation follows a locally palatable cyclic menu. The recipes of Akshaya Patra contains a variety of cereals, pulses, green leafy vegetables, seasonal vegetables, fruits, curd, as well as milk-based sweets.


The efforts of Akshaya Patra in the battle against hunger gets mirrored in the myriad of ambitions and strong willpower of 18,00,907 children studying in 19,039 schools across 58 locations of 13 States and 1 Union Territory.


Join the battle against hunger and give children the opportunity they deserve. Support this NGO in India to bring more children under its umbrella of service. By contributing an online donation of ₹1500, you can instantly safeguard a child from classroom hunger for an entire year as well as support their health, education, and aspiration. In addition, you will also become an active contributor for the larger good of the world. When you uphold health and right to education of children, you directly help in attaining UN SDGs – Quality Education, Zero Hunger, Good Health & Well-being, Decent Work & Economic Growth, and No Poverty.


You are just a click away from creating impact 
through Midday Meal Programme. Act now!