Friday 21 January 2022

Replenishing hope with Family happiness kits


Try taking a walk outside your house; how many lost faces do you see? So many faces speak of different problems at varying levels. Their problems might be plenty and grave but there is one thing common on their faces – the hope of a better time ahead.

When you feed the hungry people, have you seen the smile on their faces?

It is very genuine.

It is almost like they thank you for giving them food when they needed it the most.

During times like the COVID pandemic, many people are struggling with saving money in case another lockdown is enforced to curb the spread of the virus. With the little money they have, they are not able to feed the hungry stomachs of their families and children.

In the 2021 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 101st out of the 116 countries.

This year, it slipped from its rank of 94 last year, in 2020. 

What does this mean?

It means that the level of hunger in India is yet termed as ‘serious.’ According to FAO, 189.2 million people of India are undernourished. This also means that an alarming 14% of the population is undernourished.

 On an everyday basis, people have faced deprivation of basic nutritional needs and the pandemic has only worsened the lives of vulnerable people’s situation further.

 To help these marginalised sections of society with essentials, groceries and hygiene items during the consecutive waves of the pandemic, the government of India has partnered with various non-profit organisations to provide essential survival kits, family happiness kits and other food and hygiene kits.

 Good nutrition is essential for health, especially during times when the body’s immune system needs to fight various diseases and viruses. Though maintaining a healthy diet could turn out expensive for most of us trying to strike a balance between needs and wants, it is not too difficult to eat a diet that supports good health. Neither is it difficult to support the health of others.

 Support families with your help

Why should you help people who suffer? The answer is pretty straightforward – because we as human beings cannot turn a blind eye towards their sufferings. And for the development of a nation, it is important that we all move towards collective empowerment without which an upward growth trajectory is difficult to achieve.

 The one reason why we should feed the hungry people is so that they can also survive along with their families and become capable enough to help others in need too. Thousands of NGOs have joined hands with the Government of India to serve these people in need; one such organisation is The Akshaya PatraFoundation.

Akshaya Patra’s primary cause is to feed school children by serving them mid-day meals. However, the Foundation also feeds people in need when the situation calls for help.

 Apart from serving locally palatable meals to 1.8 million children every day, Akshaya Patra has served meals to disaster struck victims during floods, earthquakes and the pandemic. Since the onset of the pandemic, this NGO in India has served a cumulative of 20.6-crore (206 million) meals by serving cooked and packaged meals and distributing happiness kits, family happiness kits, raksha kits and shakti kits to mid-day meal beneficiaries, their families, marginalised people and expectant mothers respectively.

 Gift people food and essentials with Akshaya Patra

Support people in need with your online donations to Akshaya Patra. You can provide food, ration, essentials, hygiene products and educational materials to people in need during this pandemic.

What is inside the Family Happiness Kit?


Your support to provide them with this kit helps them to be on a full stomach by cooking 120 meals for a family of four. So the next time you see people struggling for food, you know you can help them with Akshaya Patra. This Foundation feeds people who also live in inaccessible areas without food and shelter. Your contribution can bring hopes of better days ahead with healthy and nutritious meals.

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