Thursday 16 December 2021

Special Occasion donation-make them feel special

donate on special occassion


Two young children looked out of the window. They were not able to concentrate in class. The only thought running in their mind was their growling stomach. Their last meal was only from the previous night – plain rice with pickles; it was hardly a handful of rice and their stomachs were not even close to being full. Their ears waited for the school lunch bell so that they can enjoy eating their favourite dishes cooked as a part of their school’s midday meal.

 Midday Meal Programme is a provision made by the Government of India to ensure that children receive the right amount of nutrition. Many NGOs implement the mid-day meal scheme that is now called the PM POSHAN. As a part of this scheme, nutritious meals are provided to children studying in government and government-aided schools of India. With monetary contributions from various individual donors, corporate partners and volunteers, NGOs feed school children every day.

Caring for children’s health with donations

Millions of people care for these children coming from challenging backgrounds as their parents cannot afford to provide wholesome meals even for one day. Their campaigns, contributions and donations on various occasions support NGOs to feed school children.

 Special occasions are major events when people donate. Personal events hold a special place in one’s memory and life. People gather with friends and family to celebrate occasions that are dear to them. Some people donate in memory of their loved ones, some give on the first day of their office, housewarming, while others make birthday donations.

 Why do people donate on special occasions?

Giving to people who do not have or are not privileged as us, brings happiness and the satisfaction of helping someone in need. Many people make birthday donations with the intention that they should perform good deeds by helping others. Here is a list of occasions on which people choose to do something good:


list of occassions to donate

Reasons for making donations

Donating to a charity is worthwhile as it gives a feeling of fulfilment and contentment apart from easing the hardships of individuals who face them every day. Contributing to NGOs that work towards a particular cause is the best way to do your bit for society. Below are the reasons why you should donate:


Small donations make a lot of difference to an NGO

Every small donation matters and it counts to benefit the person/people who are waiting for the support. Like every droplet, every individual donation counts.


Brings inner satisfaction

When we take care of each other, it brings about a social responsibility to help and support one and another. When human beings know that someone needs their help, they are all glad that someone is doing something for them without expecting anything in return.


Connects you with like-minded people

When you associate yourself with a noble cause, you connect with people who have a similar mindset. Your ideas, thoughts and concerns start aligning with each other and the cause they work towards.


When you make donations for reasons that interest you, for example, feeding school meals to children under the midday mealprogramme, you help them in fighting hunger. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India that works towards providing nutritious meals to school children coming from challenging socio-economic backgrounds by giving them unlimited meals for education.

School children wait for their lunch break to go off, as they eagerly look forward to receiving hot food every day. You can be the reason for the elimination of classroom hunger in children. Join the Foundation to help children concentrate in class on a full stomach and become active by participating in classroom and school activities.

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